
My A-Level exams!

This Monday I finished the third of my four written A-Level exams! And it was mostly easier than expected. In my German exam I wrote about a short-story and made notes as I did never Read more…

By niko, ago

He likes it cold!

But I don’t. I hate it. I want the 20°C+ again. Just to be able to be outside everyday, driving around without needing to use a fat jacket, scarf and gloves just to not get Read more…

By niko, ago

I’m doing this because it’s kinda fun writing these texts I think. I already kinda blogged on my Twitter but I wanted something different, something, where everything is in one place and I wanted to do this all in English (because I’m a German guy, so please don’t blame me if my English is crap sometimes :’D), to get some more training and routine… maybe you’ll like what I’m writing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯